ENCORE Louisville Classes
Encore Louisville is Leadership Louisville Center’s program for experienced leaders who have spent decades of their careers in leadership roles, and want to give back to the community. Participants pool their expertise to help nonprofits manage critical strategic issues. In this way, our community’s star talent continues to engage in high-impact civic leadership. Classes have significantly impacted over 110 local nonprofits.
Cindy Adelberg Steve Barger Stephanie Bateman Betty Beck Matt Bowdy Harold Butler Al Cornish J-R Curtin George Demaree Beth Dlutowski Betty Edwards |
Steve Ellis John Fleming Jim Gravitt Pam Greenwell Tom James III, MD Peggy Kilgore Betty Ann McCullum Barbara Michael Libby Mills Denise Mitchell Tom Monahan Gloria Murray |
Edie Nixon Alan Rosenberg Steve Rungwerth Karl Schmitt Jr. Michael Shaikun Laurel Sturm Angela Thompson Howard Ginger Wallace Jan Wather Linda Winlock Kathy Zandona |
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Cindy Adelberg Michael Aldridge Steve Barger Stephanie Bateman Betty Beck Nadine Brewer Harold Butler Melanie Claypool Mary Michael Corbett Al Cornish J-R Curtin George Demaree Beth Dlutowski Betty Edwards |
Steve Ellis John Fleming Jim Gravitt Pam Greenwell Joan Hannant Tom James III, MD Peggy Kilgore Bill Leavell Betty Ann McCullum Barbara Michael Libby Mills Denise Mitchell Tom Monahan Kim Moore |
Edie Nixon Wayne Rose Alan Rosenberg Steve Rungwerth Karl Schmitt Jr. Michael Shaikun Mike Smith* Laurel Sturm Angela Thompson Howard Ginger Wallace Jan Wather Donald Whitfield Linda Winlock Kathy Zandona |
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Cindy Adelberg Michael Aldridge Steve Barger Stephanie Bateman Matt Bowdy Nadine Brewer Harold Butler Melanie Claypool Al Cornish J-R Curtin Beth Dlutowski Sandra Dodge Betty Edwards Steve Ellis |
Chris Evans Ken Fill John R. Fleming Jim Gravitt Pam Greenwell Joan Hannant Leo Hauber Diane Kyle Kim McCastle Bette Ann McCullum Joe McCullum Barbara Michael Tom Monahan Gloria Murray, Ed.D. |
Karen Philley Wayne Rose Steve Rungwerth Karl Schmitt Michael Shaikun Mike Smith* Angela Thompson-Howard Ginger Wallace Jan Walther Kevin S. Wardell Robert Waterman Donald Whitfield Linda Winlock Kathy Zandona |
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Cindy Adelberg Steve Barger Michael Bateman Stephanie Bateman Nadine Brewer Samuel Bridgeman Harold Butler Al Cornish J-R Curtin George Demaree Beth Dlutowski Sandra Dodge Steve Ellis Alan Engel Ken Fill |
John R. Fleming Stuart S. Goldberg Jim Gravitt Pam Greenwell Leo Hauber Chris Hermann Rick King Diane Kyle Kim McCastle Bette Ann McCullum Joe McCullum Barbara Michael Tom Monahan Gloria Murray, Ed.D. Edie Nixon |
Sr. Janet Marie Peterworth Wayne Rose Steve Rungwerth Sonia Sanders Michael Shaikun Stephanie Smith Angela Thompson-Howard Ginger Wallace Kevin S. Wardell Robert Waterman Trudy Wheeler Donald Whitfield Susan Zepeda |
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Cindy Adelberg Lynn Ashton Steve Barger Michael Bateman Stephanie Bateman Ben Blincoe, Jr. Nadine Brewer Doug Butler Harold Butler Al Cornish J-R Curtin George Demaree Beth Dlutowski Sandra Dodge Edward Dudley Steve Ellis Alan Engel |
David Fennell John R. Fleming Stuart S. Goldberg Jim Gravitt Pam Greenwell Paula Hale Margaret Handmaker Larry Hartog Sandra Hemmes Bill Hensler Chris Hermann Rick King Diane Kyle Susan Lehmann Kim McCastle Bette Ann McCullum Joe McCullum |
Joe Mitchell Tom Monahan Edie Nixon Sr. Janet Marie Peterworth Karen Philley Steve Rungwerth Sonia Sanders Michael Shaikun Angela Thompson-Howard Linda Valentine Ginger Wallace Kevin S. Wardell Trudy Wheeler Donald Whitfield Susan Zepeda |
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Cindy Adelberg Lynn Ashton Steve Barger Michael Bateman Stephanie Bateman Marty Bell Nadine Brewer Bill Brown Doug Butler Harold Butler Al Cornish J-R Curtin George Demaree Beth Dlutowski Sandra Dodge Steve Ellis |
Cindy Emig Alan Engel John R. Fleming Stuart S. Goldberg Jim Gravitt Pam Greenwell Paula Hale Larry Hartog Bill Hensler Chris Hermann Rick King Diane Kyle Susan Lehmann Kim McCastle Barbara Michael Ken Middleton |
Joe Mitchell Tom Monahan Nancy Moore Edie Nixon Karen Philley Julie Pogue Steve Rungwerth Michael Shaikun Michael Smith Susan Smith David X. Thurmond Linda Valentine Ginger Wallace Kevin S. Wardell Susan Zepeda Mimi Zinniel |
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Cindy Adelberg Steve Barger Michael Bateman Gail Becker Marty Bell Doug Butler Harold Butler J-R Curtin Beth Dlutowski Steve Ellis Alan Engel John R. Fleming Belinda Gates |
Stuart S. Goldberg Nancy Gordon Moore Jim Gravitt Pam Greenwell Chris Hermann Diane Kyle Gail Lyttle Ken Middleton Joe Mitchell Tom Monahan Edie Nixon Maurice Risner Steve Rungwerth |
Michael Shaikun Janet Sims Michael Smith Susan Smith David X. Thurmond Linda Valentine Kevin S. Wardell Michelle Wells Donna Zapata Susan Zepeda Mimi Zinniel |
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Cindy Adelberg Lynn Ashton Michael Bateman Gail Becker Marty Bell Doug Butler Harold Butler John-Robert Curtin Luckett J. Davidson Beth Dlutowski Steve Ellis Alan Engel John R. Fleming Paul Franz Stuart S. Goldberg |
Craig Grant Jim Gravitt Pam Greenwell Diane E. Hague Leslie Hale Thomas Alan Houser Diane Kyle Barbara Michael Ken Middleton Marta Miranda-Straub Joe Mitchell Tom Monahan Anthony Newberry Edie Nixon Pat A. Parks |
Maurice Risner William J. Rothwell, Ph.D. Steve Rungwerth Elaine Salvo Michael Shaikun Janet Sims Michael Smith Susan Smith Kathy Stearman David X. Thurmond Linda Valentine Kevin S. Wardell Michelle Wells Susan Zepeda |
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Lynn Ashton Linda Atkins Stephanie Bateman Gail Becker Doug Butler Luckett J. Davidson Beth Dlutowski John R. Fleming Paul Franz Stuart S. Goldberg |
Jan Grayson Pam Greenwell Diane E. Hague Kathy Harmon Barbara Michael Ken Middleton Tom Monahan Edie Nixon Pat A. Parks Steve Rungwerth |
Elaine Salvo Kevin Scarborough Michael Shaikun Susan Smith Kathy Stearman David X. Thurmond Linda Valentine Kevin S. Wardell Linda Winlock Jane Younger |
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Salvador Alvarez Lynn Ashton Steve Barger Stephanie Bateman Marty Bell Jane Burks Doug Butler Lucy Crawford J-R Curtin Beth Dlutowski John Fleming |
Paul Franz Stuart S. Goldberg Pam Greenwell Margaret Handmaker John Harryman Chris Hermann Rick King Barbara Michael Ken Middleton Tom Monahan Patrick Mutchler |
Edie Nixon Pat A. Parks William Rothwell Elaine Salvo David X. Thurmond Linda Valentine Anne Walker Kevin S. Wardell Linda Winlock Jane Younger Donna Zapata |
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Nelea Absher Cindy Adelberg Salvador Alvarez Peggy Athanasakes Steve Barger Stephanie Bateman Gail Becker Marty Bell Doug Butler James Callahan John Clark Thom Crimans |
J-R Curtin Luckett Davidson Beth Dlutowski David Fannin John Fleming Paul Franz Craig Grant Margaret Handmaker Chris Hermann Ken Johnson Rick King Doug Madison |
Doris Mann Ken Middleton Tom Monahan John Mura Pat A. Parks Elaine Salvo Janet Sims Gordon Strauss William Summers Anne Walker Jane Younger Donna Zapata |
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