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Safer City: Creating a Thriving City for All

Althea Allen Dryden
Matt Anderson
Oliver Ardery
Doug Bennett
Angela Bowens
Tanya Bowman
Mike Bucci
Katie Cameron
Keith Cook
Mitchel Denham
Bryan Edelen
David Finke
Rebecca Fleischaker
Joe Frazier
Logan Gatti
Rob Givens
Rebecca Grigon Reker
Robert Gunn
Scott Haner
Dan Hawk
Nathan Holladay
Stephanie Jacobs
Kiara James
Samuel Jones
Elizabeth Kaplan
Shannon Lauder
Priscilla McIntosh
Lauren Muir
Roland O’Daniel
Vachel Owens
Latosha Perry
Jane Pfeiffer
Melissa Richards-Person
Reylene Robinson
Derek Selznick
Brad Shick
Caitlin Simpson
Ryan Sumpter
Tracy Taylor
Daryle Unseld
Allyson Wolfe
Chris Woosley
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Talent: Pipelines & Pathways, Building a Future-Ready Workforce

Rick Blackwell
Erika Brown
Randi Carter
Elizabeth Cassady
Nickie Cobb
Jennifer Coombs
oSha Cowley-Shireman
JP Davis
Pat Denbow
Tiffany Diehl
Tiffany Felts
Jill Gaines
Tony Georges
Kevin Gibson
Brigid Gies
Brian Gupton
Tim Hagerty
Kali Hayes
Beau Johnston
Burcum Keeton
Alina klimkina
Debbie Leist
Lance Mann
Angie McCorkle Buckler
Josh McKee
Liz McKune
George McMinn
Brandon McReynolds
Kristina Mielke
Terri Montgomery
Laura Morris
Felicia Nu’Man
Rachel Raymond
Matt Real
Stephanie Renner
Molley Ricketts
Jean Scott
Rena Sharpe
Angie Shaw
Felisha Short
Antoine Terry
Kevin Uyisenga
Sean Williamson
Angella Wilson
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Moving Downtown Forward: Adapt & Reinvent

Christian Adelberg
Kristian Anderson
Callie Baumann
Ben Simmons
Julie Benton
Megan Breier
Carrie Butler
Brian Butler
Nikki Carver
Chris Coffman
Prenashee Collins
Joe Franklin
Christopher Fuller
Veda Gipson
Tyson Gorman
Hank Hillebrand
Jill Horn
Louis Johnson
Matt Kamer
Fred Klotter
Steven Kniffley
Riggs Lewis
MK Lindsey
Emily Liu
David Lopez
Matt Bradley
Jenny Maxwell
Jeff OBrien
Doug Owen
Ameerah Palacios
Brooke Pardue
Larry Portaro
Chip Snyder
Robbie Tindall
Nachand Trabue
Sherri Wallace
Chris Ward
Kathy Washington
Johanna Wheatley
Garth Williams
Nicole Yates
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Belonging: Building a Culture of Inclusivity

Kat Abner
Tawana Bain
Lettie Bailey-Johnson
Freddie Brown
Greg Blakemore
Tiffany L. Bridgewater, Ed.D.
Justin Brown
Kendall Boyd, Esq.
Krisy Bucher
Danyel Clay
Brian Cromer
Wendy Dant Chesser
Jennie Jean Davidson
Ylonda Davis
Cherie Dawson-Edwards, Ph.D.
Keisha Deonarine
Hannah Drake
Timothy E. Findley Sr., Ed.D., MBA
Sylena Renee Fishback
Christopher Garrett
Scott Godthaab
Chandra Gordon
Chris Hartman
Nicole Hayden
Dana Johnson
Tracey Johnson
The Rev. Kelly Ellen Kirby
Gladys Lopez
M. Annette Mandley-Turner
John Mays
Christie McCravy
Andrew McDowell Renda
Sarah M. McKenna
Karen Thomas McNay, Ed.D.
Donald “DJ” Mitchell Jr., Ph.D.
Tawanda Owsley
Victor Rowe
Chris Sanders
Allison Smith, Ph.D.
The Rev. Frank M. Smith Jr., D.D.
Michael Wade Smith, Ed.D.
Todd Soderquist
Judy Splan-Larin, PsyD
Geoff White
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Making Louisville a Top-Tier City

Ashish Agarwal
Cliff Ashburner
Cleo Battle
Heather Weston Bell
Brian Bennett
Eric Bickel
Neville Blakemore
Bryce Butler
Billie Castle, Ph.D.
Wayne Davis
Bill Dieruf
Ashley Duncan
Jeana Dunlap
Randy Frantz
Steven Heilman, M.D.
Tim Holz
Sean Horton
Gretchen Hunt
James Irving
Scott Koloms
Amy Lingo, Ph.D.
Todd Lowe
Melanie McCoy
Scott Nardi
Chris Nolan
Kent Oyler
Moira Payne
Jennifer Recktenwald
Ben Reno-Weber
Theresa Reno-Weber
Scott Schaftlein
Chuck Schram
Fr. Jeff Shooner
Andrew Slater
Brad Smith
Min Son
Eric Stout
Wes Sydnor
Michael Taday
Daniel Tafel
Bill Weyland
Mary Ellen Wiederwohl
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It Takes a Village: Mobilizing Community for Student Success

Felicia Alfred
Kim Allgeier
Jessica Beal, Psy.D.
Jackie Beard
Cassie Blausey
Lindy Casebier
Marland Cole
Dana Collins
Colin Crawford
Joe DeSensi, Ed.D.
Elizabeth Dinkins, Ph.D.
Jackie Ford
Timothy Hagerty
Deana Epperly Karem
Ben Keeton
Jennifer Keisling
Kathy Knotts
Phani Konduru
Toni Konz Tatman
Kevin Kramer
Walt Kunau
John Lincoln
Nur Mandadi
Shawn Moore
Sabeen Nasim
Carol Nord
Ashley Parrott
Sue Perram
Neil Quinlan
Victor Rice
Lisa Stephens
Meghan Stevens
Andrew Trager-Kusman
Chris Walsh, Ed.D.
Steven Ward
Tanner Watkins
Kellie Watson
Karen Wilhite
Patricia Williams
Alan Young
Xiao Yin Zhao
Elizabeth Zimmerman, Ph.D.
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A Safe and Thriving City: Strengthening our Community’s Ability to Prevent Violence

Maryam Ahmed
Sherman Brown
Shannon Cambron, Ed.D.
Quaniqua Carthan
Tiffany Cole Hall
Katy DeFerrari, Ed.D.
Kim Dodson
Gary Dryden
Steve Durham
Heather Gibson
Rob Givens
Abby Goodloe
Jessica Green
Jessie Halladay
Jill Horn
Ken Howard
Philip Imber
Trinidad Jackson
Bridgette Johnson
Josh Judah
John Launius
Terra Leavell
Joe Magana
Barbara Menefee
Libby Mills
Ebony O’Rea
Bill Oldham, Sr.
Mary Ann Palmer
Ferdinand Risco, Jr.
Christopher Sanders
Savvy Kareem-Abdul Shabazz
William E. Summers V
Lyndsey Taylor
Daryle Unseld, Jr.
Jeff Wafford
David Weathersby
Robert Webb
Stacy Williams
Tom Williams
Marita Willis
Walter Woods
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Winning the Talent of the Future

Mike Ausley
Tony Bohn
Christen Boone
Daniel Borsch
John Brown
Steve Bryant
Amabelle Camba
Beth Davisson
Jim Ensign
Michael Fine
Judy Freundlich Tiell
Sharnika Glenn
John Guthrie
Sandra Hinojosa Hubbard
A.J. Hubbard
Ann Marie Kelly
Michele Koch
Eugene Krentsel
Angela Leet
Martha Mather
Brian McAdams
Tonya Miller
Christie Moore
Patrick Mutchler
Thomas P. O’Brien, III
Sean O’Leary
Ashley Parker
Cheryl Penava
Kim Reed
Patte Schamore
Kelly Schmidt
Todd Schmiedeler
Telly Sellars
Stacey Servo
Eric Seto
Dr. Mary Stoddard
David Tummonds
Lisa Twohey
Bryan Warren
Kristin Wingfeld
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Empowering Citizens to Live Healthier Lives

Chris Balmer
Timothy Barrett, Esq.
Sarah Bates
Suzanne Bergmeister
Ryan M. Bramer
Jeff Bringardner
Ryan Burt
Karan Chavis
Veronica Combs
Karen M. Cost, Ph.D.
Robert Curran
Marie Dever
Theo Edmonds
Leanne French
Monique Ingram
Rachel Kamau
Becky Montague
Debra Mumford, Ph.D.
Keisha Palmer
Melissa Peak
Roy Potts
Brian Riendeau
Carlos Rivas
Susan Rudy
Karl F. Schmitt, Jr.
Nadia Siritsky
Sarah K. Smith
Kelsie Smithson
Daphne Snedegar
Alison Stemler
Tom Stephens
Charlotte Gay Stites M.D.
Melinda Townsend-Breslin
Mark Wiegand, PT, Ph.D.
Jennifer Wintergerst
Don Wolfe
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United We Stand: A New Model for How City Collaborates with State

Michael Aldridge
Matt Ayers
Lisa Brosky
Vickie Yates Brown
Chris Burnside
Nicole Candler
Pam Darnall
Sarah Davasher-Wisdom
Lukas Dwelly
Adam Goebel
Chandra Gordon, CFRE
Angie Gosman
Brian Gupton
Joe Hamilton
Carmen Hickerson
Jim Higdon
Scott Jennings
Jason Kempf
Keidra King
Todd Lanham
John Launius
Scott Lewis
Kathy Love
Andrew ‘Skipper’ Martin
Rebecca Matheny
Brent McKim
Ashley Miller
Eric Post
Louis Straub, II
Terrance Sullivan
Diane Tobin PhD
Sean Vandevander
Cadell Walker
Morgan Ward
Mary Beth Warner
Lee Remington Williams, J.D., Ph.D.
Wayne Wilson
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Investing in West Louisville’s Path to Prosperity

Anita P. Barbee, Ph.D.
Craig Blakely
Charles Booker
Tara Brinkmoeller
Rene Brown
Fr. John Burke
Sandra Chambers
Dan Crutcher
Amy Curry
Angie Evans
Bill Eversole
Kathleen Exline
Rev. Jamesetta Ferguson
Kay Frazier
Mary Grissom
Adam Hall
Bill Hollander
Howard L. Holloman, Jr.
Demetrius Holloway
Heather Johnson
Ed Krebs
Aundrea Lewis
Rob Locke
Gretchen Milliken
Libby Mills
Brian Phillips
Steve Poe
Diane Porter
Jean Porter
Woodford R. Porter, Jr.
Harvetta Ray
Jennifer Recktenwald
James Reddish
Danette Rhoads
Pam Rice
Johnetta Roberts
Dave Simpson, Ph.D.
Sarah Steenrod
Pamela Stevenson
Vincent Walker
Micheal White
Katina Whitlock
Matisa Wilbon Ph.D.
Cynthia Williams
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Developing a Smart Food Culture

Claire Arnold
Summer Auerbach
J. Duffy Baker, Jr.
Julia Bauscher
Sasha Belenky
Tanya Bowman
Alice Bridges
B. Todd Bright
David Burianek
Jeff Calderon
Christopher Chase
Ivor Chodkowski
Elona DeGooyer
Lisa DeJaco
Beth Dlutowski
Jeff Ellison
Christopher Fuller
Kelly C. Garvey
Carol Gundersen
Diana Han, M.D.
Karyn Hascal
Joshua Honaker, M.D.
Lisa Hunter
Maggie Keith
Kristopher Kelley
Cheryl Kersey
Robert Kingsolver, Ph.D.
Andrew Koon
Steve Makela
Karyn Moskowitz
Joel Neaveill
Karen Newton, MPH, RD
Karen Omietanski
Kiley Lane Parker
Mitchell H. Payne, J.D.
Melissa Richards-Person
Lynn Rippy
Attica Woodson Scott
Stanley Siegwald
Theresa Watson
Debbie Wexler
James Whaley
Edward Raynard White
F. Bruce Williams
Jackson Woodward
Theresa Zawacki
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Engaging the community to inspire student achievement

Daniel Arbough
John Asher
Julie Brown
Diane M. Calhoun-French, Ph.D.
Larry Caruso
Aristofanes Cedeño, Ph.D.
John Cullen
Peter Cummins
Craig Dilger
Kevin Fields
Daniel P. Fox
Shawn Gardner
Joe Gilbert
Kathy Goodwin
Michelle Griffin, Ph.D.
Michael F. Hall
Debra Hoffer
Jim Hogan
Andrea Houston
Jennifer Hughes
Dana C. Jackson
Brian Jones
Beverly J. Keepers, Ph.D.
Rick King
Glenn Kosse
Vitalis Lanshima
Doris Mann
Dodie L. McKenzie
John Edward Megibben
Jamie Meyers
Robin Miller
Mark Mueller
Karen Napier
Jim Parobek
Tony Peyton
Cecelia Price
Julie Richardson
Robert J. Rodosky, Ph.D.
Jenny Sawyer
Jan Scholtz, CRS, ABR
David W. Seewer
Steve Tarver
Nancy Warfield
Anthony Zipple, Ph.D.
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Shaping Louisville for the 21st Century

Deborah Bilitski, Esq.
Luke Boyett
Teresa Bridgewaters
Greg Brotzge
Wendy Brown
Madeleine Burnside, Ph.D.
Mike Carpenter
John H. Clark, IV
Brandon Coan
Alan DeLisle
Debbie DeLor
Charles Dobbins, Jr.
Greg Ehrhard
Timothy Hagerty
Susan Hamilton
Cynthia Harbin
Hunt Helm
Gant Hill
John Hoekstra
John Hollenbach
DeVone Holt
Nicole Jacobsen-Nally
Valle Jones
Matt Kamer
Charles J. Kavanaugh
Bennett Knox
Marianne Zickuhr Lewis
Kathryn Matheny
Deborah Molnar
Cash Moter, IV
Patrick Piuma
Brian Reynolds
David Sinclair
Daryl W. Snyder
Kay Stewart
Ann Stickler
Gordon D. Strauss, M.D.
Donald G. Wenzel, Jr.
Mary Ellen Wiederwohl
Elias Zewde, P.E.
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Positioning Louisville a Green Leader

Suraj Alexander
Cliff Ashburner
Jim Brammell
Cheryl Bruner
Doug Butler
Tendai Charasika
Robert DeAngelis
Sallie DiLaura
Steve Eggers
Cathy Franck
Matthew Boone Gardiner
Elizabeth George
Katie Greene
Culver Halliday
Ted Hathaway
Steve Hester
Carl Horneman
Melissa Howell
Holly Hruska Isaacs
Rob Kaplan
Cheryl Kersey
Rob Kingsolver
Maria Koetter
Colleen Lyons
Johnny Miller
Justin Mog
Leslie Noel
Vikki Stone
Daniel Swintosky
Terry Taylor
Bobby Vice
Susan Von Hoven
John Walczak
Lee Weyland
Mary Gwen Wheeler
Mark Wourms
Mimi Zinniel
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Creating a cool region: The next generation of talent

Merv Antonio
Tim Asher
Terena Bell
Kelley Bright
Chad Brough
Chris Carmicle
Carole Christian
Justin Clark
Brad Davies
Adel Elmaghraby, PhD
Katie Gaughan
Scott Graff
Keith Griffee
Matt Gunn
Erin Hall
Kirsten Hawley
David Hinton
Gill Holland, Jr.
Heather Howell
Daniel Johnsen
Cynthia Knapek
Harriet Lair
Andy Meyer
Chris Padgett
Bruce Paul
Donna Perry
Julie Pogue
Mary Lea Quick
Dan Rivers
Becky Ruby
Kevin Shurn
Bob Tiell
Christine Vaughan
Chris Whelan
Mackenzie Woodward
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Strong regional partnerships: Creating the landscape of the future

Lynn Ashton
Kimberly Baker
J. Barry Barker
David Burianek
Jim Calvery
Rusty Cheuvront
Anne Dawson
Todd B. Eberle
Richard Ellis
Ralph Fitzpatrick
Leslie Fugate
Thomas Gessel
Randy Gibson
Carolyn Greer
John Hampton
Cathy Hinko
Tina Kauffmann
Charles Kavanaugh
Cheryl Kersey
R. Collie King
Dawn Lee
Susan Lehmann
Melissa Mershon
Glenn Price
Lori Redmon
Louis Straub
Matt Stull
Molly Sutherland
Thomas Taylor
Jack Trawick
Ronald Van Stockum
Kevin Wardell
Carolyn Whitaker-Tandy
Cynthia Young
Cynthia Zipperle
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Add it Up to support the new Math and Science Initiative

Sarah Ahmad-Wilson
Dana Allen
Marty Bell
Suzanne Bergmeister
David Bingham
Scott Casey
Linda Caso
Rowan Claypool
Al Cornish
Amy Cubbage
Lukas Dwelly
Cathe Dykstra
Leah Eggers
Tyson Gorman
Greg Greenwood
Maria Hampton
David Hardy
Becky Hellige
Jodie Hughes
Jeff Kosse
Emily Ledford Lawrence
Larry McDonald
Patrick Michael
Lindsey Miller
Diego Miron
Scott Prince
Jesse Rhodes
Melissa Richards-Person
Doris Tegart
Alan Wheatley
Mickey Wilhelm
Marita Willis
Treva Wright-Donnell
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The new model of leadership in our community

Claire Alagia
Matthew Barzun
Rebecca Brady
Tray Cockerell
Craig Greenberg
Sean Hagan
John Harryman
Mark Hutchens
Kirt Jacobs
Deana Epperly Karem
Edwin Marshall
Eric Miller
Mike Miller
Mike Moll
Mary Morrow
Kent Oyler
John Reed
Judy Schroeder
Eric Seto
Sharon Sparrow
Lynn Wangerin
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Mark Ament
Dan Ash
Candice Barksdale
Stephanie Bateman
Mark Cambron
Jeanne Curtis
Karyl Ferman
Carl Herde
John Hindman
Sam Hinkle
Debra Hoffer
Tracy Holladay
Larry Hujo
Ellen Jones
Beverly Keepers
Gail Klotz
Mike Littell
Beverly McAuliffe
Carolyn Miller-Cooper
Rob Mullen
John Mura
Daugherty Murphy
Joe O’Reilly
Eileen Pickett
Bob Rodosky
Andy Skehan
Charlie Talbot
Barbara Warman
Tom Williams
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Louisville’s image

Carolee Allen
Kim Thomas Baker
David Bingham
Jonathan Blue
Carl Brazley
Melissa Buddeke
Tricia Burke
Allan Cowen
Lucy Crawford
Jim DeLong
Steve Eggers
John Gilkey
Aubrey Hayden
Larry Herzberg
Keith Inman
Alyce Johnson
David Klein
Susan Lehmann
Melissa Marvel
Dodie McKenzie
Lynnie Meyer
Norma Oberst
Travis Rice
Eddie Streeter
Bob Vice
Jeff Wagner
Gerry Weston
Carla Whaley
Nardie White
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Imagine Greater Louisville

Cindy Adelberg
Barry Alberts
LouAnn Atlas
Anita P. Barbee, Ph.D.
Lorie Beavin
McDaniel Bluitt
Karen Cost
Jane Driskell
Hiram Ely
George Harrison
Steve Jenkins
Wayne Jones, Ph.D.
Bruce Ley
Edgardo Mansilla
Brian Newman
Diane Pennington
Penney Sanders
Katy Schneider
Brigid Sullivan
Joe Tolan
Karla Teasley
Louis Waterman
Beverly Watts
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Destination: Greater Louisville

Dana Allen
Rick Barr
Stephanie Bateman
Paul Besson
Mike Bosc
Greg Compton
Bob Decker
Chuck Denny
Thelma Ferguson
Holly Gathright
Cece Hagan
Rip Hatfield
Tim Hellige
Louisa Henson
Cindy Kanning
Mike Kirk
Cissy Maloney
Paula McCraney
Debbie More
Diane Pennington
Stephen Reily
William Richardson
Charlie Ricketts
Kennedy Simpson
Sandy Speer *
Annette Turner
Roanne Victor
Karen Williams-Goetz
Marita Willis
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Building a stronger region

Lynn Ashton
Clint Cummins
Philip Eschels
Vern Eswine
David Fennell
Belinda Gates
Joe Gliessner
Bonnie Burks Gray
Don Helton
Chris Hermann
Chuck Hickman
June King
Sam Hinkle
Debra Hoffer
Robert Holmes
Frank Jemley
Beverly Keepers
Beth Klein
Kathy Lilly
Frank Mellen
Susan Miller
Dale Moss
Joe O’Reilly
Gordon Pendleton
Charlie Ridenour
Tonii Rizzo
Joe Schoenbaechler
Ron Scott
Bob Shircliff
Allen Steinbock
Cary Stemle
Carol Timmons
Donna Vissing
Debbie Ward
Jack Will
Ben Willingham
David Yearwood
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Raising healthy kids & developing a productive workforce

Bonnie Armstrong
Anita Barbee
Steve Berger
Pat Childs
Randy Coe
Bill Cornett
Jeanne Curtis
Doug Eighmey
Bonnie Freeman
Kimberly Greene
Karen Hazelwood
Robin Helfers
Howard Holloman
Steve Jenkins
Bob Lekites
John LeMaster
Bill Londrigan
Bernard Minnis
Mark Oppenheimer
Tom Pike
Sharon Potter
Larry Probus
Mason Rummel
Joe Stevenson
Lindy Street
Brigid Sullivan
Glenn Sullivan
Kim Tharp-Barrie
Terry Tyler
Ruth Wallace
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Economic development

Charles Alexander
Carl Baker
Joseph Banis, Jr.
Barry Barker
Van Carlisle
Pepper Cooper
Karen Cost
Dennis DeWitt
Greg Donaldson
Tad Douglas
Frederick Doyle
Steve Eggers
Bob Eversole
Maria Hampton
David Holobaugh
Sally Judah
Bob Long
Phil Lynch
Jeff McKenzie
Christopher Tobe
Donna Kane Wagner
David Wood
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Maintaining and developing world class arts in Louisville

Pat Bratton
William Brown
Mary Michael Corbett
Suzanne Elston
Ed Farmer
Rhonda Goodall
Craig Grant
Paula Hale
William Hartman
Robert Holmes
Beverly Keepers
June King
Beth Klein
Herb Koerselman
Cindy Maddox
Marinelle Moses-Biggerstaff
Cathy Newton
Libby Parkinson
Barbara Pence
Linda Raymond
Bernie Sweet
Roanne Victor
Ann Walthall
Allan Weiss
Wendy Welsh
Martha Ziskind
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Louisville’s relationship with the rest of Kentucky

Marty Bell
Dick Clay
Ron Greenberg
Dan Hall
Tim Hellige
Bill Hollander
Colleen Liebert
Jim McGovern
Marilee Miller
Diane Pennington
Steve Rowland
Keith Runyon
Karl Schmitt
William Schuetze
Maura Temes
David Thurmond
John Woods
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Partnership for Safe Neighborhoods

Pat Bratton
Mitchell Charney
Daisy Coleman
Ellen Ewing *
Price Foster
Dan Fox
Dan Gilbert
Daniel T. Goyette
Judy Green
Doug Hamilton
John Harston
Irv Maze
Grover Potts
Maurice Risner
Bill Ronay
Mike Seebert
Daisy Wood
Jeff Yussman
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Inspiring leadership in our urban neighborhoods

Al Bissmeyer
Gordon Brown
J. Michael Brown
Laura Douglas
Martin Dunbar
Phyllis Florman
Joe Gliessner
Edgar Goins
Julie Gray
Freda Merriweather
Donna Peak
Joe Pusateri
Robert Russell
Joe Tolan
Louis Waterman
Russ Zaino
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Changing the way we think about garbage

David Allen, M.D, M.P.H.
Bruce Blue
Dolores Delahanty
Milton Dohoney
Phyllis Fitzgerald
Jon Goldberg
Doyle Jones
Henry Ormsby *
Charlie Oberst
Jeff Smith
Joe Schweinhart
Herb Warren
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Affordable Housing

Jim Allen
Steve Barger
Roger Bright
J.R. Curtin
Andrea Duncan
David Fannin
Robert Hawkins
Rick Johnstone
Bessie King
Gerald Lawrence
Warren Lee
Elaine (Cissy) Musselman
Rob Reifsnyder
Jim Smith
Bob Vice
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